Originally Posted by jsnake
We had het Piebalds but sold them before they bred. We might get a visual morph piebald but we are sticking to dominant traits now. The pastel het albino has to have a male with the albino gene in order to make it. Since pastel is dominant the other snake can be normal and you still get pastels. Learning about genetics while doing this has been pretty cool.
Awesome to learn about all that stuff.

Especially when teaching the kids, too. If/when you get some hatchlings, let me know, I'll talk to the wife about adding to the collection.
Originally Posted by issues
The bumblebee is simply gorgeous!!!
I used to breed snakes long ago and far away. We mostly dealt with Carpet Python strains although my favorite snake was a beautiful Brazilian Rainbow Boa. Unfortunately, she died when I went out of state for 6 weeks and my roommate neglected to give her water.
I've wanted one for YEARS! BEAUTIFUL snakes. I only have a Dumeril's ground boa and a green tree python right now.