National Concealed Carry Bill Plans Revealed
Neil W. McCabe, Editor
Dear Guns & Patriots readers,
The debt ceiling talks continue to dominate Washington, but that does not mean the battle to protect gun rights has moved offstage.
One very positive development is the anticipated re-introduction by Sen. John R. Thune, R-Utah, of his national concealed carry bill. Thune's 2009 bill received 58 votes in the Senate and with the increase in pro-gun rights Senators in this session, many have wondered why he has waited so long. I asked the Senator that question, along with questions about the BATFE's Project Gun Runner and other issues, sure to interest the readers of Guns & Patriots in an exclusive July 14 interview. My article based on the interview is part of this week's offering and we have audio from the interview in this week's podcast.
In this week's podcast, my co-host Brian H. Darling, who is a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation, explains what is happening at Capitol Hill with the debt ceiling talks and the different versions of the Balanced Budget Amendment. Darling writes the "Legislative Lowdown" column for Human Events every week, and you can read his last column here. Also in the podcast, you will here my conversation with historian Robert J. Laplander, the author of "Finding the Lost Battalion," who produces our Medal of Honor Roll Call column every week. You can subscribe for the podcast at iTunes here.
Cork Graham drills down on a major flaw in how we process and value different intelligence feeds for further use by our troops. Graham interviewed retired Army Maj. John Plaster, the author of "The Ultimate Sniper," and a former operator in the Special Observation Group during the war to save our ally south Vietnam. Plaster has some scary things to say about recently declassified National Security Agency Documents that detail how during the war.
Eric Andringa writes about an importance of how we pass on a respect and reverence for firearms to our children. Andringa describes the first time he showed his stepson a 9mm and let him hold it. It is an article that should resonate with us all.
Richard L. Johnson weighs in with a review of the BLACKHAWK! recoil reducing stocks. Johnson is a career law enforcement professional and trainer. Whenever I read his product reviews, I feel like he is writing from both his own perspective and from the prospective of someone he would have to be training—like me.
This week, Nicholas Pardini joins our roster. Pardini is a professional money manager and financial analyst, who has written for the Seeking Alpha website, as well as other venues. This week, Pardini explains how the Federal Reserve debases our currency in his article "The Dangers of the Federal Reserve."
We are also joined by a new friend and contributor David Adams, the president of the Washington Chapter of the Society of the Third Infantry Division. Adams, who rose to the rank of Captain during his service in the Vietnam War and the Cold War, writes about our WWII landings on the south of France, Operation Dragoon. This operation is often called the Forgotten D-Day, and was a major part of the success of the Normandy invasion because it opened up a second front. There will be ceremonies Aug. 4-7 commemorating Operation Dragoon in Washington, D.C.
This edition is so chock full of great articles—a better e-newsletter, a millionaire's money couldn't buy!