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Old 07-16-2011, 09:41 AM   #12
Maduro & Oscuro Whore-O
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Default Re: My Uzi Weighs a Ton now on sale

Originally Posted by JJG View Post
It's a line from the Public Enemy song: "Public Enemy No. 1"
if anybody was wondering.

"I'll show you my gun, My Uzi weighs a ton"

I always assumed that he was not referring to an actual gun in that song, but know. so to me it sounds like this cigar is named after Chuck D's wang. My interpretation could be wrong, but either way, I have to give it a plus 2 for the worst named cigar ever.
People are paying to put Chuck D's... nevermind
Blue Label,Any Filipe Gregorio,Acid,Don Elias,El Mejor Espresso,Tierra del Sol
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