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Old 07-14-2011, 11:37 AM   #18
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Default Re: Quitting cigs... again...

Day 4 today. Been doing awesome! Especially since I can smoke all the cigars I want lol. 7 cigars in the last 3-4 nights. Granted, I've been manning the grill the last few evenings too, so that had a part to play in it as well.

Originally Posted by MrsSledn View Post
Good luck with quitting. I know for some it's harder then it is for others. I quit cold turkey in August 2009 when I found out I was pregnant. When I lost the baby, I didn't go back. I did have 3 during the past 2 years. I found when I was HIGHLY stressed, I pulled out a cigarette. Then another. Decided they tasted like crap. Months later and another HIGHLY stressful moment of weakness, I walked out to the garage and indulged. A few puffs in, my inner self started and the guilt was too overwhleming for me. I put the darn thing out after 4 puffs. Last one I ever had. And I still have a half carton sitting out in the garage freezer. To me that's a real test. I know they are there. But I just didn't care. Now being pregnant again, it's the furtherest thing from my mind... I will never go back to it. 20 years of damage to the lungs. ICK.
That would kill me! I can't even keep them around. You have much more willpower than me. Sorry to hear about the previous pregnancy, and congrats on the new one!

Originally Posted by audio1der View Post
Good luck buddy! I've never smoked (tried it but didn't see the attraction) but have heard everything tastes better once you do; imaginw what it will do for the taste of your cigars!
Thanks! I will do a full on test by smoking many cigars per day, and see how the taste improves
The problem is not the problem. The problem is your ATTITUDE about the problem.
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