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Old 07-14-2011, 11:23 AM   #1
Just in from the Storm
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Default Hi, noob here with questions

Hi, I would like to introduce myself and ask a few questions. I am from Eastern PA and have been smoking cigars for at least 5 years now, but more so over the last two or three years and have decided I need to learn a little more. I mainly purchase from Cigars International since their stores are close to me and they have a BIG selection and good sales. I’ve tried several samplers from them over the years and that is mostly what I have smoked until the last year or two. Here is some of my favorites, barring the Cubans I had while in the Carribbean since they are in a different class. I tend to stick with robusto vitollas since I prefer a larger ring gauge, usually 48-52 or so and the 5” range seems to last long enough, but not too long. If I am sitting out with friends have a drink or playing golf I will go for something in the 6” range.

I also just recently got my first real humidor. I had a little 25 count that came with a sampler and I could only ever get like 10-15 in it. It didn’t hold humidity well and probably ruined several sticks. My new one is a 100 count and I have about 70 in it now with plenty of extra room and it is sitting steady at 72-74% and 73-76F. A hair above ideal, but this time of year it’s the best I can get. It’s been really humid lately and if I keep the house any cooler than about 73 the AC runs constantly. Come fall I think it should sit right where it needs to. I also am into woodworking and have lumber waiting for a new table saw to build a humidor.

I am looking for a morning cigar now and could use some help with what I might like. I tend to like medium to medium-full with the occasional fulls, but those ruin everything else for the day if I have one in the morning. I am looking for a mild or mild-medium that will suit my tastes. I usually like to stay in the $5-$7 range so they are not cheap junk, but not wallet drains either. Here is some of my favorites, barring the Cubans I had while in the Caribbean since they are in a different class.

Man O’ War- I’ve tried all of their series. The standard line is a good cigar in my opinion, I know some think they are just hype, but I like the taste and the quality is good. For $5-$7 they are pretty decent. The Virtue’s did not do much for me, but I tend to go with a medium or medium-full cigar. The Ruination was better than the standards, but I think are getting a little overpriced for the difference. The Armada was a great cigar and very consistent, I enjoyed it thoroughly but this was my first expensive stick so I have nothing to compare it to. Is it worth $20, probably not but I don’t really know. What makes a well known $20 cigar worth more than the Armada?

Punch-These were my first favorites and I still really like them. For $3 to $4 you can’t go wrong and I think it is still a great tasting cigar. I prefer the Rare Corojo over the standards.

Gurkha-I have pretty much no use for. I always have burn problems, and they just never seem to hit their sweet spot.

Nub Plus Habano- I just picked these up and haven’t tried them yet, but my friend swears by them. Again, I have read this is a hype cigar, but I got these at $3.75 a piece so it was worth a shot.

Diesel- These will be a mainstay in my box. Being shorter cigars you are not getting as much burn for the money, but the flavor makes up for it in my mind.
Work is the curse of the drinking class-Oscar Wilde
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