Thread: True Blood
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Old 07-14-2011, 06:59 AM   #238
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Default Re: True Blood

Wathed the last episode last night. I had to chuckle at the line waiting for Jason. Like he'd have enough juice to impregnate all of them. Not sure where that storyline is going, whether he will actually turn or not. I'm sure that we'll find out he's something else, and can't be turned into a panther.

I laughed plenty at the "new" Eric. The fact that he was so apologetic...LOL The line of the episode: "You killed my fairy godmother!" And my wife thinks he's "pretty".

Can't stand the head witch. Looking forward to seeing her get killed off, hopefully by Eric.

How about the lawyer chick with Bill? Glad she's joined the party (unlike Jessica and Tara).

Good to see Alcide return. I like his character, but not too keen on Debbie being back, though she does look nice all cleaned up.

I thought this episode was just OK. Nothing real standout in it, IMO. Seemed more like a bridge/waste of an episode to get to something more in the future. Oh's not like I'm NOT going to watch the show. LOL
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