Originally Posted by T.G
Precisely my thoughts too Bill.
I don't mind a minor scratch here and there, but "severe cosmetic damage" to "all sides" and "we can not provide pictures".
Uh, yeah. Pass. I don't need a hangar queen.
But I do want to add that even if their disclaimer on this particular one makes me want to stay away, I really appreciate Forrest looking out for us on this, especially since I never received the automated email from compact appliance.
Oh definitely it's good he posts these all the time or I would have never gotten my first edgestar, I couldn't thank him enough. So I ordered shelves from him

And every edgestar I get he'll find more Pm's for addition shelves.
I hear ya, cosmetically scratches don't bother me. Hell I'll end up putting a few on it in no time.
They are probably already there, but I don't notice