Re: Quitting cigs... again...
Good luck with quitting. I know for some it's harder then it is for others. I quit cold turkey in August 2009 when I found out I was pregnant. When I lost the baby, I didn't go back. I did have 3 during the past 2 years. I found when I was HIGHLY stressed, I pulled out a cigarette. Then another. Decided they tasted like crap. Months later and another HIGHLY stressful moment of weakness, I walked out to the garage and indulged. A few puffs in, my inner self started and the guilt was too overwhleming for me. I put the darn thing out after 4 puffs. Last one I ever had. And I still have a half carton sitting out in the garage freezer. To me that's a real test. I know they are there. But I just didn't care. Now being pregnant again, it's the furtherest thing from my mind... I will never go back to it. 20 years of damage to the lungs. ICK.