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Old 07-12-2011, 09:38 AM   #15
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Default Re: Quitting cigs... again...

Originally Posted by OLS View Post
It's still worth it. You may have to give up drinking or smoking crack for a bit, as these trigger activities will cause the cravings to
come back. But if you can stay away from them for a week or two you should be golden. I am not a smoking finger-wagger,
but I have been off em for over a year and do not think about them anymore. BUT, I didn't really commit until I already had COPD.
I quit two years or more ago, but then picked up a little of the herb, and of course, had to buy cigs, and then HAMMERED em for about three
months before I noticed that THIS time I really couldn't breathe anymore. I think it was that 3 months that pushed me past being
a cheezy wheezy into full on Emphysema. Make no mistake, if you smoke, you WILL eventually harden your lung tissue to the point
where you can't get a proper lungful of air. Even if you never get cancer, you are going to have trouble breathing when you hit
your 40's. It is not worth it. I enjoyed my days of smoking, being cool, having something to do when bored, all of it. After sex,
after meals, waking up, before bed....the whole deal. But knowing how I would feel today, it ain't worth it. If I had to run away
from a monster to save my life, I would be dead.
I used to move myself and took pride in it. If I moved from this house I live in now,
I'd have to hire movers or I would drop like a stone. No one wants to be useless. CIGS will do it. Stay off em and be happy for yourself.
Damn, I was hoping I wouldn't have to put the crack pipe down...

So true on the drinking. That's the time I want a smoke the most. Well, the herb thing would've been true for me too, but I quit that shortly after college. I can count on one hand the number of times I've smoked in the last 5 years. It sure does help me go to sleep though

Thanks for the encouragement, brother. The advice is appreciated.
The problem is not the problem. The problem is your ATTITUDE about the problem.
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