Originally Posted by sheeper
the US Postal Service has jurisdiction if sending/receiving CC via US mail. Typically they will confiscate though I am not aware of any recent prosecutions.
And re my earlier post, those people cleared to visit cuba bring back cigars for their own consumption. That essentially means they cannot "sell" them. They can share them with friends and family. Hence i have adopted several cubans.
Sending cigars in the US mail is not a violation of Postal regulations. Without a search warrant the package cannot be searched, even if damaged. Under the correct situation however when discovered they could detain and turn over products that may be in violation of other Federal Law to the appropriate agency, in this case ICE.
Read my earlier post. They can be cleared to visit Cuba. But what they are doing is in violation of the law. Even when the exemption existed for them to share with you would have been a violation, albeit a violation no one would pursue.