Originally Posted by bobarian
Its amazing how much speculation us being provided here by those who have dont have a clue.
The only federal agency who has any enforcement powers in regards to the Trading with Enemies Act is The office of Customs and Border Protection. CBP has no power to levy fines on contraband. All fines are issued by the OFAC which is part of an entitrly different agency. Local law enforcement agencies usually do not enforce federal laws unless as part of a intergovernmental task force.
The single case cited by Kelly is the only known instance of an actual arrest and conviction. There are also instances of fines being issued by OFAC several years ago based upon financial records acquired as the result of a bankruptcy case overseas.
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Today, ICE has complete authority over any cases involving contraband cigars. That being said, this is the federal government we're talking about here. If there isn't at least 50 years of bureaucratic crap obfuscating everything, it's not worth enforcing