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Old 07-08-2011, 05:57 PM   #13
Suck It
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Default Re: In praise of smoking alone

Imagine smoking like that ALL THE TIME my brother...Still, having a woman around at times would be better, I think, lol.
Always good to see you post and would hope that you increase and never stop. There was a time that I remember when
you were really active, and of course, that was when we started talking a little way back when. Made me go out and
dig up more on Lemmy, haha. I hope that your family grows effortlessly and without drama and upheaval.
Sorry about your family affairs, that is always tough, I know. Haven't had to deal with it in 20 years, but not having
my father since then is not so hot. I was a dumb kid who could have cared less about hanging around him and learning
at his side when he was alive. And now I am living my penance.

Hope they do not accuse you of being one of them new-fangled human bombs when you cross borders.
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