Originally Posted by floydpink
but the jury didn't come through for us."
Actually the jury did come through for us, and IMHO made the right decision. Who did not come through for us was 1. The cop who refused to go into the swap and look where he was told to. This delayed finding the body 6 months and who knows what evidence was lost. 2. The prosecution who put up experts that were later proven to have given incorrect information.
The jury made the decision outside of all the media hype and their judgement was not altered by it.
I think that every one of them went into that room, wanting to convict, but not convinced. They spent those eleven hours trying to find something to link to her in any way. They could not.
Had even one juror been convinced she was guilty the jury would have been out much longer. This is all speculation.
I would rather a guilty person go free (they will screw up again and we will get another bite) that have an innocent person be put away for life ( having no chance at release)
I know deep down she was involved in whatever this is and so are her parents. One day, the person responsible will pay...
For those that think the jury was wrong, please, let's have a polite discussion of points: What, other than her behavior after the fact, do you feel you could point to as a reason to convict of murder.
I want to Learn something here, not bash, berate, be not civil, etc.