Originally Posted by kickerb
Well...thoughts about episode 2?
Is the lack of posts in this thread an indication that folks are not impressed with the direction of this season?
It's just an indication that it was a holiday weekend, and not everyone has had a chance to watch it on their DVR.
I liked it, honestly, but I really don't care for the witches and their leader. She's yet another evil beyotch that they will fight with for a season, and finally dispatch at the end (I hope). I wonder who they'll bring back to life from being a vampire. Will someone volunteer, so that they can be with their chosen human again? (Bill, Jessica, someone else?) I'm sure we will see Bill continue to pine for Sookie, and her want to be back with him, or maybe Alcide will be the one she pines for (though he hasn't shown up yet this season). I like Jessica's character and the direction they're heading with her. I hope she gets naughty.

As for Eric, I have no idea what's going on there. He seems to have some sense of honor to him, and I like that. I hope that his character stays a main part of everything this year.
So far, I'm enjoying the new season.