Originally Posted by Wallbright
What about the Connecticut? I believe these are different than the Naturals as most vendors have Naturals Connecticut and Maduro. I always thought natural and Connecticut were the same in the Lot 23?
No mention of Connecticut tobacco on Perdomo's website. It states that these are Nicaraguan puros, and all tobacco coming from the same farm plot.
Here's what Perelman's CigarCyclopedia has:
Handmade in Esteli, Nicaragua.
Wrapper: Nicaragua Binder: Nicaragua Filler: Nicaragua
Introduced in 2006, this is a medium-to-full-bodied blend which features interior tobaccos
grown on a single 103-acre lot near Esteli, Nicaragua. The crop was harvested in 2001 and
aged until 2005 when it was rolled with Connecticut Shade wrappers. Nicaraguan natural shade
and maduro wrappers were used on all sizes starting in 2007. All sizes are offered in all cedar
boxes of 20.
So it looks like I was off on my dates a bit, and if I'm reading what Perelman wrote correctly, the Connecticut wrappers are no longer being used.
Originally Posted by Wallbright
Also, would that make these any better or worse?
It makes them older.
Since the primary and secondary fermentations are past at this point, "better" is just a matter of how you like the flavors. Some people like aged NCs, some people like fresh NCs. It's just a personal taste really.