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Old 07-01-2011, 02:04 PM   #11
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Default Re: Verizon 3G verse 4G - Speed Test

Originally Posted by neoflex View Post
. . . I have the Thunderbolt and I absolutely hate it. It is way too buggy for me. Half my phone calls go straight to voicemail without the phone ever ringing and apps are constantly crashing.. . . At first I thought I received a lemon but these issues seem to be pretty common on the Driod forums. . . .
That does suck - sorry to hear it. So far I've had zero problems. I did have one reboot which may have been because I installed 4 programs off the Market place pretty much at the same time. But they installed correctly. I have a friend who has had his Thunderbolt for months now (first week they came out) that I talked to before getting mine and he reported on the average of at least one reboot and up to three boots a week. Other than that he has no problems. So who knows.

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