Thread: Found a kitten
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Old 06-28-2011, 08:28 PM   #12
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Default Re: Found a kitten

My wife found a kitten on our back porch one night while it was snowing pretty hard. Her great idea, bring it in the house. Did I mention that I was deployed and that we have a beagle? Long story short, the beagle loved the kitten. how do I know this you might ask? He played with it, followed it around, and rolled in its poop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My wife had to bathe him right before bed time. The next day my wife took the kitten to the Humane Society and dropped it off. When my wife got home and let Beau out of his room, he roamed the house for an hour looking for the kitten.

I know its not really an answer to your question, but I thought I'd share.

My thought, take it to the HS.
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