Thread: True Blood
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Old 06-27-2011, 08:34 AM   #221
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Default Re: True Blood

Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
I thought it was semi-slow, but they need to set up the story lines for the new season in the first couple episodes. I do like the direction Tara and Jessica's stories are going.
I was waiting for Tara to pop her top last night. LOL

That episode nearly jumped the shark, to me. Fairyland...meh. The witches... They had it lined up for the ramp, and aborted just before they hit it.

Since not everyone has seen the episode, I'll try not to give anything away. I was surprised to see where Bill is, and wonder when we'll see Russell again. Tara's storyline will definitely be interesting to follow, assuming they keep a focus on it at all. Lafayette and the witches...hmmmm...that one has potential. Sherriff Andy...LMAO!!! Over time, I've grown to like Eric, so I hope they keep him as a major player. Sam's little get-together was quite interesting, and what the hell is going on with his little brother (and mom)? Arlene's baby..., but it seems like they're trying to set something up there.

I think that about sums up last night's episode, doesn't it? LOL

Now that it's started, at least it's something to watch while I wait for Game of Thrones to come back.
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