Thread: 2011 NBA Draft
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Old 06-27-2011, 08:16 AM   #16
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Default Re: 2011 NBA Draft

Originally Posted by kelmac07 View Post
I didn't say had a lengthy/successful career in the NBA...I said did anything.

Battier, Shane 2001-2011 Defensive impact
Boozer, Carlos 2002-2011 Maybe
Brand, Elton 1999-2011 Maybe
Dawkins, Johnny 1986-1994 Flop
Deng, Luol 2004-2009 Role player at best
Duhon, Chris 2004-2011 Back-up
Dunleavy, Mike 2002-2011 Flop
Ferry, Danny 1990-2002 Back-up
Gminski, Mike 1980-1993 Back-up
Hill, Grant 1994-2011 Best one on the list
Hurley, Bobby 1993-1997 Flop
Jones, Dahntay 2003-2011 Flop
Laettner, Christian 1992-2002 Second best on list
Maggette, Corey 1999-2011 Joke
Parks, Cherokee 1995-2003 Complete flop
Redick, J.J. 2006-2011 Back-up
Williams, Shelden 2006-2011 Flop
I about spit water on the screen with that one! For being the #3 pick in the draft, he was NOWHERE what he was expected to be, and never a team leader (especially here in MN). I'd definitely put Boozer and Brand ahead of him on the list, for sure. Possibly even Battier.

Hurley is a flop only because he was nearly killed in a car accident early in his potentially promising career. Had that not happened, I could have seen him having a John Stockton/Steve Nash-like career, honestly.
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