Thread: Biking
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Old 06-27-2011, 07:50 AM   #17
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Default Re: Biking

He he...I wouldn't call myself a cyclist, but due to doing triathlons, I have to spend some time in the saddle.

Just this past Saturday, I did a group ride over the course I'm going to do my next race on. Got a little off course and added a little over a mile to the final tally (57.3 miles). LOL

As I've gotten more into it, I've made improvements to my bike. Clip in pedals, aero bars, a new (MUCH more comfortable saddle), and a cyclocomputer, to name a few. Comfort is key, IMO. If you can't get it set up comfortably, you're not going to get out of it what you need, in order to keep going.

My setup at my last tri:

...and this is the saddle under my jersey:
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