Peter - I'll ditto what Brent said, plus add that don't worry too much about dark barks, it's not really in the Traeger's nature to create exceptionally dark barks as they burn very clean.
The color you have here:
Originally Posted by pnoon
By popular demand.

Is excellent. I would think that more coarse granular ingredients in the rub and/or some sugar will give it some texture and you'll be set.
Since I keep dark brown sugar around, I just use it. I take it and dry it in the oven spread out in a layer on a 1/4 sheet pan, cook at 250F-ish for 30-40 minutes - stir once or twice. The high molasses content seems to give a nice texture and color.
Or you could try experimenting with wet rubs / slathers. A lot of my stuff is done with wet rubs / slaters. Lots of fresh garlic and herbs with some spices and oil (usually olive, but not always). The garlic roasts and browns on the outside of the meat for a slightly chunky texture.