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Old 06-24-2011, 12:07 PM   #21
Knowhutimean, Vern?
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Default Re: What would you do?

Originally Posted by blugill View Post
I'm not concerned about hanky panky or anything like that. There would be three altogether and not a big deal.
His mom married into a family that owns a dealership, he's spoiled, lazy, and I don't care for him.
He never shook my hand or introduced himself, he was afraid to come up and try to talk to me when I was sitting outside in the lawn with a cigar and drink.
And hopefully the days on this puppy live relationship are numbered but likely not until after July 6.
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Is he an outgoing person or loudmouth? If not, he could be an introvert and shy, which would make the case for him not going up to you and introducing himself. He could have been scared.

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