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Old 06-24-2011, 10:03 AM   #1
Feeling at Home
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blugill is a glorious beacon of lightblugill is a glorious beacon of lightblugill is a glorious beacon of lightblugill is a glorious beacon of lightblugill is a glorious beacon of light
Default What would you do?

Here's the situation, my 16 year old daughter wants to go to the Warped Tour by Kansas City July 6.
Not a problem, she wanted to take her friend so the wife and I are going to drive them up for her birthday present.
Now she wants to being along her boyfriend, I'll call him Slug to be nice. I don't like Slug, he knows I don't like him. The wife asked me if he could come and I said no way.
Now it'll cause drama if I tell the girl, no your boyfriend can't come with us.
So do I man up, take the high road and tale him along to keep the peace or just stick to my original position and probably let the wife drive them and I go to work like normal that day?
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