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Old 06-22-2011, 11:08 PM   #37
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Default Re: 'Jackass' star Ryan Dunn dies in fiery Pa. crash

Originally Posted by Bill86 View Post
So you are saying it's a bartenders job to serve someone as much alcohol as they want? To what, the point of death?

Then you would also being saying they (the bartender) hold no responsibility for patrons getting in a car and killing someone?

This is almost comical. However I will address facts rather than opinions. So far everyone has voiced their opinion, which is fine but here's how it really works.

You are responsible, as a holder of a state issued ABC card, for everyone you serve period. This isn't a morality issue or an argument it is fact, if you believe this is not the case then it's your right never to get the card and never legally work selling alcohol. Simple as that. They tell you when you get it.....everyone you serve is your responsibility from the moment they walk into the establishment you work at till the moment they arrive safely, or not, to where ever they are going. They warn you ahead of time your ass can be sued for overserving or serving underaged....I've seen it happen.

Now I have nothing invested in arguing on his behalf, as he is guilty and life choose to punish him for his actions. Fine. But if you think that bartender was in the right, you're out of your mind.

So have I. I've had more than 14 drinks before walking into a bar to start the night and like you I had a DD.

This is my last post in this thread, I'm not looking to argue or ruin this thread.
Bill, you are a good guy and I don't want to argue either....but just because something is (civil) law doesn't make it "right".

If I walk into a bar and decide to have 18 drinks, then get in my car and drive away, the bartender is at fault? I am s cop, and I call bullshit on that law....and I always have. Obvious exception is if the drinker is underage, but besides that, the drinker should have grown the **** up.

Thanks Dave, Julian, James, Kelly, Peter, Gerry, Dave, Mo, Frank, Týr and Mr. Mark!
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