I should also mention that I moved stuff around a bit and buried a really good rock for the maxima to moor himself on.
By moving things just a little bit, I gave myself lots more places to put the frags I had that fell off, etc. I also was able to turn the gonapora around a bit so it was more viewable. I got a good look at my hammer coral, and it has ten or twelve new starts going on. That thing is going to be HUGE in no time.
Everything is growing real well. If there was one thing that I think made a difference, it's the phyto. I finally switched to DT's and I'm much happier. I'm not sure if the Cyclopeeze made a difference, but all the different foods certainly are helping.
My pods are exploding, and everything that died back from the move is coming back way better than before.
Can you tell I'm excited?