Originally Posted by jsnake
It is all just following the book. Makes you want to go up to George R.R. Martin and give him 
A vicious beating? Yes
I'm not sure they know how TV works......you cannot off the guy on the front of the cover/advertisement in the 9th episode of the first season.
Would you watch Sopranos if Tony died in the first season? I doubt it.
Would The Wire be the best show ever if they killed McNulty off in the 9th episode? Nope, the 10th episode would be the end of the show.
Books or no books IMHO they just f*cked themselves. We'll see if I'm right, only time will tell.
What they did here was use Sean Bean, they used his name, his fame, to sell their show and now they are hoping people watch it without him. They will lose viewers for this.
They really have to realize half the people watching the show never read the books. So they don't care if it follows the books or not. Hell I didn't even know there was books for this show. That's how little it matters if you follow them.