Originally Posted by The Poet
And the Yankees consistently draw about 10,000 more each game than they do in Fenway . . . due of course to its greater capacity. As with most everything, if you build a good product, they will come.
As for the "regular" season significance, I don't refer to the fact that baseball plays twice as many games as does the NHL, but rather to the fact that how one does in those games means more over the long haul. Of the 30 MLB teams only 8, or 26%, make the playoffs. In hockey, twice as many of the 30 make the postseason, or just over half of them. To me, this means you can be a hair UNDER mediocre, and still be rewarded.
Finally, baseball has been a part of the American consciousness for a century and a half, and is one of OUR sports. Hockey is NOT native to the USA, and despite the protests of its rabid fans, is little more part of the consciousness of the average American than is soccer. Sorry, but them's the facts, Jacks. 
That was not the point of my post. Your post stated hockey draws flies. I was showing that you were speaking from a place of no knowledge given the attendance %. I was only showing your statement was false based on no true knowledge of attendance numbers. And that almost all teams draw at 90% or above.
I think most people like the hockey playoff system do to the passion and upsets.
As to your statement regarding games meaning more many experts have discussed the baseball season could be easily compressed, but it wont be because of the void that would be left in the US sporting calendar. The American culture has the main three/four that overlap. If baseball season was shortened as it easily could be do to the number of repeatative meaningless games the sporting calendar would have have a large gap and the American culture would not do well with that. The argument the games are so meaningful doesnt hold weight when you look out how much repetition there is and the true reason of why the season is so long. Its the space filler what would sports fans do without it.
Like I said I like both. I have played both. Hockey as an adult baseball through HS and my son will play both growing up. The games are very different I love both, but I can say I have never fallen asleep watching a hockey game. I dont want to touch how many times I have spoken to fans of football and baseball and heard they are confused by the game of hockey.