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Old 06-17-2011, 07:39 AM   #19
The Poet
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Default Re: Hockey v. Baseball

Originally Posted by Subvet642 View Post
The Red Sox have sold out every game since 2003.
And the Yankees consistently draw about 10,000 more each game than they do in Fenway . . . due of course to its greater capacity. As with most everything, if you build a good product, they will come.

As for the "regular" season significance, I don't refer to the fact that baseball plays twice as many games as does the NHL, but rather to the fact that how one does in those games means more over the long haul. Of the 30 MLB teams only 8, or 26%, make the playoffs. In hockey, twice as many of the 30 make the postseason, or just over half of them. To me, this means you can be a hair UNDER mediocre, and still be rewarded.

Finally, baseball has been a part of the American consciousness for a century and a half, and is one of OUR sports. Hockey is NOT native to the USA, and despite the protests of its rabid fans, is little more part of the consciousness of the average American than is soccer. Sorry, but them's the facts, Jacks.
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