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Old 06-17-2011, 07:26 AM   #18
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Default Re: Hockey v. Baseball

Originally Posted by GreekGodX View Post
I honestly only think the toughness of hockey players can be matched or surpassed by MMA fighters or a similar sport (boxing, wrestling, martial arts etc).
Especially before they had visors, helmets, and the armor they call pads now. My dad used to go to a lot of games as a kid and told me story after story of goalies taking a puck to the face (bare face), dropping to their knees and putting their face in their hands. A pool of blood starts spreading around them. They then leave for about 10 minutes to get stiched up and would play the rest of the game. Still no face protection. Unreal. Those guys were flirting with the edge between tough and crazy.
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