Originally Posted by mithrilG60
The Sedins were involved in and setup 2 of the 3 goals in Game 2, and were an offense threat pretty much every shift in both the first 2 games. They may not have been a threat last night, but honestly who on Vancouver was?
I would be pretty surprised at this. I expect the Canucks and Bruins to split in Boston then head back for the decider this Friday in Vancouver. I actually thought that Boston would take game 4 and not game 3, but either
way. If Boston does manage to send the series back to Van tied at 2 it will be Vancouver in 7.
Not a chance. If something like that was going to happen it would have been in the Chicago series. The Hawks are the only team that's really gotten into Vancouver's head, everyone else are just teams that you occasionally have bad games against. Vancouver is still the odd-on favourite, but Boston is going to make is a great series
He's been a significant figure in the league long enough that he certainly deserves it. Just like I hope that Trevor Linden's involvement with the Canucks this year is enough to entitle him to a ring. Both those guys are well deserving of the championship that was denied them in their long and distinguished playing careers.
Originally Posted by Ahbroody
Luls I guess they should just give the Canucks the Cup now then eh. I mean why play if theres no chance the Bs can win.
I mean the Giants werent predicted to win a single series last post season but they won it all. Dont jump the gun so soon.
How them apples taste imagine pretty $hitty.
Once again Vancouver shows why their fans suck. Nice chants and throwing crap at players. So glad that bunch of Nancys and their anthem boing, anti american comment chanting a$$ fans got punked in their own house.