Originally Posted by mosesbotbol
That is why I go. Maybe you are limiting the chiropractor to just the actual adjustment? The whole session is more than that, actually only 10-15% of my visit. Physio and stretching, Graston technique, diet & medicine, training with results analysis are all part of the visit.
There are sports rehabilitation centers in many cities. I would suggest anyone with back issues to visit them for therapy over our standard health clinic. The sports rehab's have every discipline from doctors, PT's, to chiro's and acupuncture. They take a team approach to use their specialties as needed. It's worth giving this ago before considering a surgery.
I think we're on the same track, Moses. We're just not comparing apples to apples. You're talking about a fully rounded sports medicine facility that includes chiropractic as part of a wellness plan that's situated in a large city. I don't disagree that that could be a realistic, helpful, and even possible curing venue.
What I'm talking about is everything outside those big complexes. The chiropractors on every street corner who claim that misalignment is the cause of colds, cancer, rabies, cottonmouth, cankers and bad smelling farts. A simple adjustment will cure all your ailments.
While I do believe that an alignment can relieve some sort of nerve pressure, it's only going to last as long as you retrain the muscles around the natural misalignment. Part of a plan, as you're speaking of.
That doesn't happen in backwater. It's crack, that'll be 90 bucks, please.
To call what you're calling Chiropractic is borderline insult to what those facilities are doing. It's not comparative.
I just don't want folks to walk into the corner chiropractor and expect results like you and I have been debating.
If someone walks into a backwater chiro with zero to very low expectation, odds are they'll be pleased with the results.
If someone is suffering nerve impingement from significant structural damage to their spine, I think it's just plain wrong to point anyone in the direction of a Chiropractor. The chance that the chiro is going to do further damage is far greater than the chance that they'll achieve any type of relief.
If there is not significant structural damage, there are tons of things that can help. Of those, I think you hit on a fabulous suggestion, if a facility like that is within reach of the person who's in pain.
Bottom line is that each person is different and can tolerate different degrees and durations of pain. As bad as my body has hurt, and as long as it has, I can take focus off the pain now. The pain management drugs make me feel like crap, so I deal with the pain as best as I can for as long as I can before I use a full dosage of them. Even when I do use them, they don't provide relief, and I'm prescribed an incredible amount of pain meds. They do take the edge off, but render me worthless.
Conversely, I can remember hurting my back to a much lesser degree when I was younger and I was absolutely wrecked by the pain. It was completely dehabilitating despite there being no structural damage at all. Just a pinch that caused some swelling that went away in a couple weeks.
I mention that because I believe a person needs to be armed with knowledge that they gain through tests, studying, asking questions, and knowing every single thing there is to know about their condition. A person should become incredibly well-informed, well educated, and make sensible decisions about how they approach their injury, and try as best as possible to be realistic about what's wrong. As insensitive as it may sound, pain is not a very good indicator of condition because it will wax and wane with care as simple as an ice bag. The pain is what we always want fixed first, though. The problem is that doctors don't necessarily empathize with the pain, and don't really aim to treat it so much as they try to treat a person's underlying cause of the pain.
I hope and pray that all of you find relief, with whatever road you choose. I know how hard it is, and how long it takes.
If you feel a Chiro is right for you, by all means, please try one. I'm only stating my position and my experience based on my personal physical condition. I certainly don't know as much about your condition as you do, and I'd feel awful if all my blather kept you from finding some relief.