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Old 06-09-2011, 07:49 PM   #84
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Default Re: Bulging Discs in back?

Originally Posted by BeerAdvocate View Post
After a month of being in pain, I had an MRI today and found out that I have not one but two Bulging Disc's in my very lower back.
Im in so much pain that Percocet & beer wont even cure it. So I am getting an injection on Monday to get me through until I can see a Nero-Surgeon on June 8. Has any here ever had a surgery for a bulging disc in their back?
What can I expect?
How did your appointment go?

I have been dealing with back problems for 4 years. I started with the chiro, then did anti inflammatories, then injections, then a ton of painful tests, then a micro-discectomy, then a multi level spinal fusion. and now I am a chronic pain patient. My back is debilitating!! I had to retire from the job I loved (police officer). Now I take powerful pain meds and my doc wants me to consider a spinal cord stimulator. I guess my point in telling you all this is that you need to be sure, get more then one opinion!! See a spine specialist. FRom my understanding neuro-surgeons are more for thoracic (neck) pain. I included the link to the blog I started maybe it will answer some more questions. BEcause of this pain I have gained weight and became depressed and oh did I mention the blood clots I got from my fusion surgery? I dont mean to scare you just being realistic.
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