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Old 06-08-2011, 07:24 AM   #20
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Default Re: New Wonder Woman!

Originally Posted by The Poet View Post
Not wrong, but not entirely accurate either, as even many of the "lesser" male heroes are fleshed out more completely. It may likely be due to the fact that men totally dominate the comics industry, as creators, writers, artists, and consumers, and thus they are less able to produce (or relate to) a more rounded female character.

Though by "rounded" I of course mean emotionally and personally, as opposed to physically.
Very true. Black Canary and Oracle are about the only female heroes that I can think of that have any depth to their character over at DC. Like you said, it's the result of a male dominant industry with a primarily male audience. Stereotypical gender roles will always exist, I guess.

My problem with Wonder Woman is not the original character herself (who broke stereotypical gender roles when she was introduced), but the constant need to redefine and revamp her character every couple of years. We don't need a complete makeover each and every year.

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