Thread: Game of Thrones
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Old 06-07-2011, 09:16 AM   #124
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Default Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by kickerb View Post
Spoilers below.....

Yea, so that was a crazy episode. I have watched it twice and I'm still fuzzy on a few things.

-What is Tyrion up to? Who where the barbarian type people he allied with and why? Also, it was interesting how quick Tywin wanted these men to help in battle. That just builds to Tywins ferocious character.

-So there are 2 Lannister forces, Tywin's and Jamie's. But where are these forces on the map? Location will help me see all this.

-We were told about the Riverlands once before, but only from King Robert talking about 'making 8' or whatever. He did not claim the Riverlands as part of the Seven Kingdoms. So why would the people of the Riverlands ally with either the Lannisters or the Starks? It seemed that the Riverlands are of some importance in winning battles....

-Bannerman means what? Rob Stark said to round up the bannerman? Are these people that are allied with the Starks? Why?

Haha, and why the hell was Hordor running around naked? That was just weird.

P.S. I REALLY hope Serio whooped that beastly of a mans ass after Arya left!
-Tyrion is basically trying to take his fate into his own hands. The barbarians are the hill people that live outside the Vale of Arryn that attacked Catelyn's party when they were on their way to the Vale originally. Tyrion knew that if he couldn't bribe them (with real steel and not the crappy weapons they were using) that him and his one guy couldn't make it past them alive.

-I haven't seen this episode yet, but from what I remember from the books Jamie is camped outside of Riverrun? But I can't remember. Here is a map that sections out the "states" pretty well: Political Map of Westeros

The Riverlands allied with the Starks because Catelyn Stark used to be Catelyn Tully, and House Tully rules the Riverlands. The reason they are important is just their geographical location (see the map above).

Bannerman in this sense is talking about all the lords that have sworn to House Stark. For instance, House Tully and House Frey are two of Robb Stark's bannermen.

Hodor was running around naked because...well he's not all there. He's just a simpleton that they never really describe as such well in the show, but describe him as such in the books. All he knows how to say is his name, Hodor, and can take orders but other than that isn't very bright.

Originally Posted by kickerb View Post
Okay, it seems I over thought the scene with Tyrion and the hill tribes. It was means to an end. Tyrion only bribed them. I forget the knowledge that Tyrion has. He is able to bribe this men based on what they want the most, the Vale of Arryn.

As far as I can tell the Starks' host moves South and have reached the neck. It seems that Jamie is in Riverrun and Tywin is on Riverroad near Lord Harroways' Town. At least that is what I picked up on the map displaying in the episode. The Starks elect to challange Jamie first and will need to cross the river at 'The Twins'. I found a map that might help people who have not read the book, like my self.

I think I was confusing Riverlands that the King mentioned before and the Riverlords. Is it that the Riverlords are in the Riverlands? Can someone explain this?

Yea, the bannerman from what I can find on the net are men who carry banners, flags, and etc. But I think in this context it reffers to allies to the Starks. Robb said that the bannerman swore an oath to the Stark Kingdom, but are NOT actual Starks or people of the Kingdom. Any more insight on this one?

btw, thanks for the help Chris.
Yes, the Riverlords are the rulers in the Riverlands. House Tully and House Frey are both Riverlords. What King Robert said about "making the 8" was in reference to sleeping with girls from each region of Westeros.
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