Originally Posted by madwilliamflint
Love it. Where'd you pick up a demo?
ummmm, it's "around"

Shoot me a PM I'll find a way to send it to you. Won't take much.
I'll probably buy the game but I didn't want to preorder because I want it the day it's released. I'll go to walmart at like 12:15am and pick it up.
Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty
I liked the demo quite a bit. Admittedly a lot of it has to do with the nostalgia factor, but it was pretty entertaining. It plays like an old school title, will be interesting to see how it sells.
Yes, I agree. It's just a fun game, it won't be game of the year but it damn well will entertain.
Did you see the secret area to Dukes Penthouse? Funny posters there of Duke bad@$$ness and more cheesy one liners