Originally Posted by Bill86
Anyone interested in Duke Nukem Forever?
I played the demo, 3 times, yesterday.
All I can say is it's definitely up to date and true to form. Duke always has a cigar, beers, sluts, and an ego equivalent to the size of the U.S of A.
This ones going to kick ass....but I think people are expecting too much. It's not supposed to be a "game of the year" or anything of the sort, just old fashioned FPS violence with classic 80's style one liners.
Duke is still the chauvinistic pig we all know and love from way back......It's going to be a heck of a fun game.
I liked the demo quite a bit. Admittedly a lot of it has to do with the nostalgia factor, but it was pretty entertaining. It plays like an old school title, will be interesting to see how it sells.