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Old 06-04-2011, 02:27 PM   #89
Tio Gato
Uncle Kitty
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Default Re: Your fallback cigar

Lately I've been craving some of the first cigars from when I started smoking 20 years ago. One of the first boxes I had bought then was some AF Cuban Coronas. I remember being mad when they broke 24 bucks with shipping. Now about a C-note. Still yummy after all these years. I love these for a walk down memory lane.
These days when I need to rush out of the house I reach for an El Triunfador #4. Not really a fall back, but I know it will be great and won't make me smell a restroom at NY Port Authority.

A real fallback for me is a Te-Amo robusto. Oh that barnyard stink. Not allowed to smoke it in the truck if the bride is with me.
"You stink like cigars Uncle Kitty!" Said my Boo age 3.
"Kid, take care of your family and the hell with anyone else" My Grandpa Bubba.
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