I was going to join simply for the sticks but I have since changed my mind. I love me some Tats but the sheer vagueness on the sign up page on what sticks you got kind of irked me. I sent Pete a message on Facebook asking if sticks were even included and he did say that is what the box was on the page and it included 15 sticks but still no mention as to what they would be. For all I knew the rest of the crap would be stuffed in that box so I thought I should ask. I know others said he mentioned what would be included as far as sticks on some boards but I thought it would be kind of beneficial to include that on the e-mails or at least the sign up page which kind of has me thinking that everyone may get something different depending on what they have on hand or maybe need to get rid of. 15 Tats for $150 is not bad but I would also like to know exactly what I am getting for my money too and the fact that he was so vague about it just kind of have the attitude of "Well F you than." I would rather take that $150 and buy what I like rather than a mystery box.(I've never been one for surprises, just ask my wife

) Again, I do like Tats but it was just the lack of information that bothered me when parting with my money. I guess I can live without my Members Only jacket.