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Old 06-03-2011, 07:01 AM   #388
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Default Re: New York Mets 2011 Banter

Originally Posted by Humpdebump View Post
Just read the Post where Wilpon rips the Mets players. Saying Wright is a good player not a superstar, Reyes is not Carl Crawford and won't get his money and that Beltran was signed by some schmuck bases on a post season. Noe Wright and Reyes might noy be superstars but they are big enough to sell tickets and jerseys, and both of them pretty much do a good job on and off the field. When Beltran was a free agent, every Met fan, including myself wanted him. Besides the injuries the last couple of years, he's been a decent player. You can't predict injuries and if he never got them and put up numbers that he usually did no one would be *****ing, including me. But for an owner to come out and say that about his players is completely wrong. Yes steinbrener did it but Wilpon is no steinbrener. If he saw something wrong, he went out and fixed it. He didn't care what the cost was, he's in new York and wld put out a competitive team. Do us all a favor Fred and SELL THE TEAM...., sorry for rant....
Originally Posted by x man View Post
Good rant, if he had spent what he lost in the Madoff thing, on the team,
he would be filling seats and be a brand like the Bombers, maybe even a TV service of his own. But he was greedy and neglectfull, now he`s crying about his signings, there`s no crying in Baseball.
Originally Posted by yachties23 View Post
Let us not forget that when George was making the calls the yankees were a Joke. I have no idea why people forget that the "core four" as you have all labeled them were Gene Michael picks. The 2 men that built the yankees dynasty of the 90s were Gene and Buck, not the two who always get the credit, George and Joe.

As for the Mets,the Wilpons are an utter joke. I'm tempted to just give up on the mets until these utter farce of an ownership team is forced to sell them.
I take it you guys were not fans of the article on Wilpon in last weeks Sports Illustrated.

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