Like what you drink, drink what you like.
No need for "expert" analysis.
Make sure they are the proper temps for each type, open them up.
If you like it, repeat as necessary until the bottle gets upside down.
If it sucks, dump it.
You really might want to think about unbiased third party analysis and verification of exactly which grapes were used, and if they have been tampered with, just to be safe. I would call in some guys that will flap their gums about the provenance. By that time, you should have a few glasses under your belt and can roll your eyes appropriately.

Cigars are just rolled leaves that sometimes suck, wine is just fermented grapes that may suck/partially suck/ don't suck.
Perhaps I have said too much.
Get some "cheap wine," some madiera, and some "vintage port" to back yourself up.
I keeed... I keeeeeed.....