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Old 06-02-2011, 09:28 AM   #2316
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Default Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 View Post
What's to defend? If Burrows had intentionally gone out of his way to bite Bergeron, or even initiated contact then I'd be right there alongside you guys calling for him to be thrown under the bus... just like I was calling for Torres to be suspended for his hit on Seabrook in the first round. The simple fact of the matter is that Bergeron came in as the 3rd player, started an afterwhistle scrum with Burrows and in the course of that pushing and shoving Bergeron put his finger in Burrows mouth, not vice versa. Burrows got an extra minor on the play and the Bruins failed to capitalize on it. Period. End of story.
Seriously? Come on. Yes Bergeron put his hand in his face, but Burrows clearly chomps down on his finger. It was a bush league thing to do. Burrows kept it going by grabbing bergerons face guard.