Originally Posted by Ahbroody
Edit: holy crap 64.00 for third deck center area which is pretty wide. That pricing structure is pretty bad on a lot of seats outside of a few teams. I never thought san jose had great prices untill now. My seats would be almost $20 more per game.
That's it? Wow, that pricing is a bargain for a Canadian market team. The equivalent upper bowl seat in Rogers Arena would be $85 for a game that no one cares about, $110 - $120 for a premium game like Original 6 or divisional rival. Lower bowl tickets run $110 - $200+.
Originally Posted by Bruins Fan
I don't understand why anyone would want to move a team to Winnipeg?
This franchise is doomed from the start?
That franchise has a better chance than most of the struggling Southern US markets. Most market studies have shown that you need a min pop. of 800,000 in a Canadian market to support an NHL team. Winnipeg meets that and, despite not having had an NHL franchise for 15 years still has some of the most loyal fan base in the league. It'll never be a big market like a Montreal, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, NY, Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, etc but it'll more than support itself.
A large part of what drove the Jet's out in the mid-90's was the cost of replacing an ancient stadium that no longer met NHL standards combined with a weak CDN dollar vs player's salaries paid in USD and a run away salary market plus a weak economy. None of those issues are factors anymore.
The long layover has been very frustrating, I think it's mostly trying to work around scheduling conflicts with other events in the 2 rinks. I'm betting there was also a component of wanting to make sure that the Eastern winner had enough rest to make it an entertaining series. Yet again the West Coast gets screwed by the NHL's slavish devotion to the TV market in the Eastern time zone, 5PM PDT starts for all games is BS... God forbid someone in the east might loose some beauty sleep from having to watch a hockey game that starts later than 8PM. All that said, can't wait to get this series rolling tomorrow night!