Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty
It has had a few patches post release, to be honest aside from some frame rate issues I didn't notice anything game breaking before. The AI is indeed crap though, which is frustrating given how few people are playing it. Stalemates aplenty because the AI is too stupid to act as a team. If you are looking for a good team based shooter Team Fortress 2 is still the better choice.
After noodling with it a bunch this weekend I may warm up to it.
I haven't encountered any playtime bugs at all after about 3-4 hours of play.
The only thing I suspect might be a bug is that the weapon selections don't have descriptions. There's a list of stats for each, which is fine for selecting one, but there's no text. Tough to tell if there's supposed to be, having never seen it.
I may re-buy Crysis as I can't find the dvd. But then I might just pick up C2 and go with that.
The new gaming rig I got on Friday is a hot piece of kit. I keep going back to older stuff, maxing out the graphics and watching what I'd been missing.