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Old 05-31-2011, 06:36 AM   #93
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Sam Leccia Cigar Company

Originally Posted by OLS View Post
I understand your point, John, and I agree. I think if I re-read my statement I will see though that what I meant
to say is that one looks like he is doing it one way and one is doing it the other way. Not a comparison of their
careers, but of their events. I was not on the train then and am not now, so the products and how they
marketed them live MAY have been the same, but I was saying one seems to be rollin em up and the other is
simply appearing as a cigar-lebrity. Both are obviously giving away stuff. However your point makes me think,
JDrew could not have stood on that celebrity early on, so putting in the work is certainly a given in the early
Drew career. I just don't know if he ever sat down and started rolling cigars for the crowd. I just don't KNOW.
I see what your saying on the rolling aspect. Now, the question is, in todays day and age of Cigar Celebrities who would we consider the Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton of the industry?????
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