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Old 05-28-2011, 12:13 PM   #2183
Suck It
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Default Re: What's in your smoker?

OK, last night I pulled a night smoke of sorts, at least for me. Smoked from 4 pm to around ten at night and drank
beer and smoked a Trinidad Robusto T. Did a SMALLLLLLL Butt and a rack of BBRs. I cut the BBRs to make them
easier to arrange on the grill and ran the butt on my shelf. Smoked all for 3.5 hours, wrapped the butt for the 4th hour,
then unwrapped it and slathered it with SBRays as well as slathering the ribs Let em run almost another hour.
Unfortunately for the 'finishing phase" there was no heat to speak of and my sauce did not caramelize, and as there
was no way I was wasting more charcoal on "aesthetics" I put em under the broiler for 5 mins and got what I needed to see.
I find pulled prok pis a bit unpalatable, so I will not show them here. Needless to say, it pulled quite easily.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg May 27 BBrs and butt.jpg (106.6 KB, 1074 views)
File Type: jpg May 27 BBrsunderbroiler.jpg (112.5 KB, 1057 views)
File Type: jpg May 27 BBrs.jpg (64.1 KB, 1096 views)

Last edited by OLS; 05-28-2011 at 12:18 PM.
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