Re: Anyone been watching the Casey Anthony trial?
I followed it all week.
Shocked is all I can say if she gets away with this.
Questions to ask for anyone following it:
She is a habitual liar, who proudly says to someone she just met "I am such a gooD liar", after just lying in front of that person.
Tells lie after lie about a made up baby sitter ( who by the way, the real person with that name is suing her presently for having destroyed her life).
Acts as if nothing ever happened to daughter partying up a storm, renting a movie about a mother killing children right after child probably died.
After all this and more, the one thing she tells the truth is about the father sexually abusing her?
Why would she still live with him?
Why would she trust her daughter with him?
I hope they reinstate the electric chair for her.
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian