Originally Posted by Sam Leccia
Just wanted to pass a note and let you in on a few things. I don't feel I have to, but I want to because quite frankly I think some of you have the wrong perception. Like I said before, I don't care if you don't like me, my cigars, or both, but I'd rather you like/not like me for who I am rather than what I am not.
"down to Earth"? I don't know man, I cut my grass and take out the trash just like I would imagine most of you do. I am certainly not made of money or consider myself any sort of celebrity. There has never been paparazzi on my lawn, and I certainly don't get bothered at the grocery store or the mall. I also doubt anyone tells Kid Rock that he looks like Sam Leccia. I'm just being real, guys.
The photo-shoot/Press-release/ads they are just that. The photo shoot was an absolute blast. I wish it was video-taped because you would have enjoyed it. We did this on Sunday, 3 days ago. it was unplanned, unorganized and unprofessional. It was 4 guys, a camera and a mission. The shoot looks like a $10,000 shoot and all it cost was the beers we drank afterwards. They were taken in my home town of Elizabeth, Pa. I have been fishing under that bridge in one of the shots for over 30 years. The car was a buddy's 53 chevy and the 2 engine prop plane (not a private jet) we basically "borrowed" without permission. One of the guys at the mini airport really hooked us up. We probably broke all kinds of TSA and FAA laws, but we got it done. I really wanted a classic car in the shoot because I am a classic car freak. My dad used to take me to cars shows all the time as a kid, and I have been fortunate to have owned some classics over the years. The plane? Well besides looking totally badass, I live half my life on a plane, so it was only fitting.
I have sacrificed and struggled through this industry. I have missed so many of my 3 kids birthdays, school plays, soccer games, and sadly some hospital visits. Why? To provide brother. My passion runs deeper than the leaf. I have a team at home counting on me, and I am not about to let them down.
I get to do what I love for a living. I make cigars. How cool is that? I do not profess to be "bigger" or "better" than anybody. I'm still a rookie compared to most of the guys in this business, and I respect every single one of them. I still get star struck around some of them. They are my idols. Sure I am different and do things different. That's who I am. I am a nonconformist by nature. I like to do things with my approach to them. I turned my hobby into my life and there is no turning back. I just launched my first company in any format, and I couldn't be more excited. There will be more struggles, more sacrifices and hopefully more reward. I want my 3 kids to be taken care of. I hope that someday my work will help their kids to be taken care of. That's my ultimate goal anyway. My family is the most important thing to me and having the past 6 months to spend with them has been awesome and really helped me realize that even more.
I don't mind dropping my guard and "letting you in" that's who I am. I am not petitioning for your dollar or your friendship, just showing you what I am about. I'm as real as it gets.
I am not going to come on here every time someone makes a post that's not in my favor either. I do listen though. I have been playing with some smaller ring sizes as well. I actually enjoy the smack-talking, and trust me I can dish it out with the best of them.
As smokers we have so many things against us, I would much rather focus on what unites us, rather than what tears us down.
But it's time to get back to work.
Smoke On.