Re: Parents: help needed
I guess I am lucky with time outs still working to a degree. My son has had a few slips of the tongue. Once, I was in the bedroom while my son was sitting in the living room. He was watching something on TV and I heard him swear. I gave it a second so I could process and get over what I heard. LOL I called him up and asked him what he just said. DENY is all he did. And then it turned into the ramifications of lieing. He fessed up that he said it and BEGGED me to NOT tell his dad. "Please don't tell Dad! Please, please, please..." Well Dad was told. He got talked to from both of us. He got a time out. We also have a bad word jar. He had to pay $2.00 to the jar. Which he hates paying into especially when his father doesn't... Which is a whole nother conversation... LOL
He does know it's wrong. And there have been maybe 4 times in 2 or 3 years where he has slipped.