The Official Asylum Metal Detecting & Finds Thread
Since we have every yuppie diversion thread known to mankind, wet shaving, coffee pressing, bean roasting,
I thought I would do my part to cover the more doofus genre and begin the metal detecting thread with an
emphasis on recent finds. Most of my finds for today are gone, I was in the yard of an old 40s-50s school
today in a rough neighborhood. I heard every bull$hi+ panhandler story in the book, and I LOVED the look
on their faces when I gave them crusty pennies and unrecognizable dimes. The quarters I keep for the
office coke machine since all the money goes to the boss. Most of the people dropped the coins
once they thought I wasn't watching them anymore, some right there in front of me. In front of one old tree,
I came up with 6 quarters. I love old smoking sites around schools. This place has been picked clean of silver,
as have most places in this city. But I like the excercise and the possibilities. All told today, I managed to dig up
1.97 in quarters, dimes and copper pennies.
I have raggy equipment, though I am not embarassed by it. I don't live in a nugget-rich environment,
So I spent what I thought I needed to spend to find silver coins where they could be found. I find a fair
amount of civil-war era coinage by the river, and I spend a couple Sundays a year around old schools,
a couple Saturdays around old churches. I have a Fisher F2 and a Bounty Hunter Pioneer 505. Both
minimum quality rigs for maximum quality fun.