Originally Posted by ashtonlady
Can you try and make him understand what the word means and when it should be used?
This is what I did with my daughter when she was around the same age. I was listening to a Godsmack song and didn't realize they were about to say f*ckin' until it happened. My daughter asked what that meant and I explained what was explained to me by a great friend of mine years ago when I said it for everything. I explained to her about how it can be used to place emphasis in certain situation but if used all of the time it loses its meaning and just gives the user the image of having a foul mouth. I also explained that if used very sparingly, it could help get a point across. She understood and other words came up on occasion. This seems to have worked for me.
Only once in the last year or two did I hear her start saying damn for everything. I reminded her of our talk, and a certain person that emulates that behavior, and she stopped because she didn't want to be seen that way.
I hope this helps.